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No matter if it’s just you and the work crew or a whole junior rep program, there’s no doubt that having a sponsor helps out with the cost of putting a team on court.

From the local hairdresser to multi-national corporations, there’s always a chance that some kind soul is willing to put their hand in their pocket to help out.

So you door-knock, chat to the boss over a drink or prepare endless PowerPoint submissions to get a sponsor on board. You finally succeed and the much need cash comes through. Now it’s time for your part of the deal.

The obvious payback is to provide some kind of recognition for your generous benefactor on your uniforms. A carefully placed sponsorship logo perhaps?

Putting your sponsors’ name or logo on your gear when its produced is easy with modern manufacturing techniques that enable you to place graphics anywhere on a uniform or warm-up gear.

For maximum impact make sure the logo is clear and visible. Postage stamp sized graphics are impossible to read, so bigger is generally better, but remember, nobody loves a uniform that is covered with advertising! (Looking at you NBL).

When sourcing graphics files always go for the highest resolution possible and always ask for vector based art. These files are preferred because they are more accurate and can be scaled without any loss of quality.

Don’t just limit your thinking to uniforms. Warm up gear, caps and sports bags are other prime real estate for displaying your team and sponsors’ name, especially if you are attending a tournament where you will be seen by greater numbers that just the spectators at your regular Thursday night fixture.

Prior to manufacturing anything that incorporates a sponsors’ logo, make sure they get to see and approve the design.

The ambition is to keep everyone happy, a subsidised playing group and a sponsor that is getting value for money.