Getting the band back together

Getting the band back together


Over a couple of drinks it seemed like a good idea. Reliving past glories had led to the conclusion that you are all still pretty fit, despite some extra kilos, and you all have time to spare on a Tuesday night, so why not enter a team in the local comp.

While you were at the bar it was also unanimously decided that you would be responsible for team administration and uniforms.

Simple yes? No!

To register a team you first need a name and getting the group to agree on a name is your first hurdle.

Some people just want to stick with their favourites, so be prepared for suggestions like “Lakers”, “Celtics” or “Heat” depending on their NBA allegiances. Others get even more specific, they like the sound of “The Lebrons”, “Jordanairs”, “Black Mambas” or even “The GOATS”. At this point in the discussion the jokers chip in with: “The Rusty Buckets”, “Limp Wrists”, “Shooting Bricks” and “Bench Warmers”. Following a hearty chuckle, and a few more refreshments, you all finally agree on a name (apart from Browny who has refused to speak since their suggestion was rejected by the group).

Now a uniform design needs to be agreed on.

Unfortunately by this stage half the team has left and those remaining are arguing about whose turn it is to pay for an Uber.

You spend the next day scouring the net for uniforms. These days you can get anything you want as the graphics are printed onto the fabric (it’s called sublimation).

That night you present a few ideas to the crew via Zoom and everyone pretty much agrees on a style – apart from Browny who is still sulking.

Next you work your way through the myriad of uniform suppliers. You can arrange lots of stuff online, but it is comforting to go local where you can pick up the phone and talk to someone if you need to. Australian based suppliers understand deadlines and will work with you to ensure you get what you want, when you want it.

You will pay a little more for a custom design but it is worth it to get a truly unique uniform.

Once you have the uniforms underway you are pretty much done, apart from getting funds from your mates, lodging the team entry, organizing a couple of training sessions, arranging a fill-in for Browny who can’t make the first game, learning the rule changes, stocking up on strapping tape for your dicky ankle, dusting off the Nikes and working out how to get to a stadium in a suburb you have never heard of.